Eclipses and Planetary Happenings

Did you know that tomorrow, February 26, 2017,  is a very potent day?  We have both a new moon and a solar eclipse happening.  The eclipse is at 6:58 AM Pacific Standard Time.  It is our second eclipse this month, and it's easy to say and see this has been and is a VERY potent time of change. I love to sit in meditation close to the time of the eclipse, sometimes with written intentions for the portal AND sometimes they are just floating in my  head.  Maybe you might find called to take some time tomorrow to reflect on change and how energy has moved you/through you this past month. I'm really excited for this eclipse.  A few things you can bring your awareness to is if you feel stagnant and unmoving energy? If so, notice if you have attachments?  Are you feeling any grief in your life?  Relationships? Work? Health? Projects? Politics?  If tears come up to the surface, honor them and stay with your meditation.  There's a lot going on friends.

This eclipse/new moon day provides a really lovely portal for a permanent shift and turning point for something in your life that needs a major change. Take a moment to look truthfully at your life Are you willing to commit to more truth, compassion and love?

So get out a pen and paper and rewrite those intentions.  Recommit on this auspicious day to your intentions while keeping in mind you may also let go of what no longer is serving you by writing it down on paper and burning it or going along the lines of your body and cutting the cords of something that is binding you that you wish to let go of.


With love..


Sarita VasquezComment