Spring Equinox

Oh my gosh! Can you feel the change in the air? Since the time change last week I don't know about you but I have been filled with giddy excitement at Spring's arrival. Immediately, I noticed buds on my fruit trees and flowers springing up from bulbs and a symphony of birds to start my day.

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Eclipses and Planetary Happenings

Did you know that tomorrow, February 26, 2017,  is a very potent day?  We have both a new moon and a solar eclipse happening.  The eclipse is at 6:58 AM Pacific Standard Time.  It is our second eclipse this month, and it's easy to say and see this has been and is a VERY potent time of change.

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Sarita VasquezComment
Winter - Let's Get Hygge

Winter time.   Short days, grey skies and well, lots and lots of rain.  So, for me, extra rest and regular exercise (preferably before noon) helps counter the tendency to just stay inside.  One of my favorite dishes in the winter is roasted vegetables and especially roasted butternut squash.

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Sarita Vasquez Comment