Winter - Let's Get Hygge

Winter time.   Short days, grey skies and well, lots and lots of rain.  So, for me, extra rest and regular exercise (preferably before noon) helps counter the tendency to just stay inside.  One of my favorite dishes in the winter is roasted vegetables and especially roasted butternut squash.

Here's the how to:

Take a whole butternut squash and with a peeler peel all the skin off.  From her, I just began slicing off from the end without the seeds and cut into chunks.  When you get to the seeded side, you can either scoop out the seeds or cut around and into chunks.  I put them in a bowl with olive oil and mix to coat all the pieces with some oil.  I then place on a large cookie sheet and sprinkle with salt and pepper.  Put in the oven at 450 and turn at around 20 minutes.  Depending on how you like them (with some browned on them or not) give another 20 minutes.  You know when ready as it smells so delicious in your hOMe.  

One cup of butternut squash provides a whopping 437% of your Vitamin A needs for the day as well as 52% of your Vitamin C and 10% or more of Vitamin E, Thiamin, Niacin, Vitamin B-6, Folate, Pantothenic Acid, Magnesium and Manganese.

Delicious and good for you!

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